miércoles, 4 de julio de 2018

Best Ubuntu 18.04 and Mint 19 Software

Best Ubuntu 18.04 and Mint 19 Software

This content will touch upon all the categories for selecting Best Linux software. Basically, this is a compilation content of all other top best list content which already published in this site, thus it’s going to help you to get all the Best Linux apps in one place based on various categories. As UbuntuPIT mostly deals with Ubuntu Linux, so I will focus on the installation process.

This content will grow every day as and when a new Linux list content gets published.

1. Best Partition Manager – Gparted

There are lots of choices comes to mind when the question arises about best Linux Partition Manager. If you are a new Linux user or not comfortable with text-based partition manager then GUI based Gparted is the best option for you to choose. You can do almost all the task of disk partitioning using this free and open source partition manager.
Download Gparted

2. Best PDF Editor – LibreOffice Draw

PDF is considered as the best way of emailing, sharing or printing various documents. It’s a well-supported format across all the OS including Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Android and much more. There are many good options out there for selecting best Linux PDF Editor for each and every OS.
LibreOffice Draw
LibreOffice Draw is one of them which comes preinstalled in all the major Linux distros. It’s a free and open source Linux pdf editor which let you fulfill the basic task. Master PDF Editor is another one which comes with lots of features and tools for editing PDF files in Linux but it’s not a free and open source.
Download LibreOffice

3. Best LaTeX Editor – TeXmaker

In the arena of Linux, LaTeX is considered as a standard markup language. It helps the users for editing the documents to markup level. TeXmaker is one of the best LaTeX editor available out there. It’s to be the most user-friendly LaTeX IDE for the newbie.
Download TeXmaker
There are lots of best LaTeX Editor available for Linux but it seems difficult to choose the Best LaTeX Editor for both advanced and beginner. For that reason, I have written a detailed LaTeX tutorial and how to install those on Ubuntu Linux which will help you to get the best one. Please see the resource link for that tutorial.

4. Best Screen Recorder – Kazam

Screencasting is an important task for many people for many reasons including making a video tutorial, creating a presentation, compiling a how-to tutorial or do a software review or having the fun of streaming while playing pc games. Moreover now a day many users are making an earning opportunity for themselves through YouTube, Facebook video or any other video hosting sites by making many helpful how-to guide videos.
Kazam is one of the best lightweight screen recorder available for Linux desktop. It’s very simple and nifty tool for screencasting.
Install on Ubuntu
Run the following command into the Terminal:
sudo apt install kazam
There are lots of Linux screen recorder available in the market but here I am only going to share a list of best Linux screen capture and Live video streaming software, and how to install those on Ubuntu as this site focuses only on Ubuntu Linux.

5. Best Torrent Client – Transmission

If you are searching for something that is completely free, open source and comes with minimum configuration, then Transmission torrent client is one of them. It supports cross-platform like Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and Unix based systems.
Transmission torrent client
Download Transmission
There are lots of popular torrent clients available in the market. But it’s really difficult to find out which one comes with the best set of features. Here I am reviewing and sharing a set of open source torrent client for Linux so that you don’t need to waste your valuable time by installing and checking all those torrent clients one by one.

6. Best FTP Client – FileZilla

FTP ( File Transfer Protocol ) is one of the great and efficient ways of transferring files over a TCP based system like the internet. It helps to move a large number of computer files from one host or system to another host or system without any hassle and complexity.
FileZilla comes on top of this list of best Linux FTP Client. This is one of the best and secured FTP client for all the major platforms like Linux, Unix, Windows, and MacOS. FileZilla is reliable and fast FTP, FTPS and SFTP client for Linux.
FileZilla Client
Install FileZilla on Ubuntu via PPA
Run the following command to install FileZilla on Ubuntu:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install filezilla
Download from Official site
Download FileZilla Client for Linux
There are lots of powerful and secure Linux FTP Client available in the market. But here my tutorial will help you to get more.

7. Best Backup Software – Bacula

To recover from some unexpected situations like human errors, Disk failure or RAID, Corruption of file systems we need a good backup plan.
Bacula is an Open Source Backup Software. This enterprise level computer backup system can work in various networks. It is an automated task that need not require intervention from a systems administrator or computer operator. Bacula supports Linux, UNIX, and Windows backup clients.

8. Best Note Taking App – Simplenote

Simplenote is the best note taking app for Linux right now. It provides all the features that a modern and professional note-taking app must have.
Simplenote best note-taking app-1
Download & Install Simplenote
As we know that Evernote is one of the best and top graded note taking apps for all the major OS. But Evernote doesn’t provide an official client for Linux. That’s why I have created a tutorial which will offer you a list of best Linux note-taking apps ( Evernote Alternative ).

9. Best Terminal Emulator – GNOME Terminal

Gnome Terminal emulator is one of the best Linux Terminal Emulators for Linux Gnome desktop environment. It has lots of effective and useful features that make it standalone from others.
Gnome Terminal
Though most of the users are satisfied with the default Terminal emulator of their Linux Distributions. But the option is always open to trying a different one and get settled with that. Here I am going to share a generic list of 15 Best Linux Terminal Emulators for both beginners and advanced Linux users.

10. Best Code Editor – Atom

Coding is a great fun. You can make useful and great apps for your operating system if you can learn well how to do coding. To be a great applications developer, you have to know about all the details of coding or programming in various applications.
Atom is a Linux code editor that is smart, trendy, approachable, and yet customizable to the core. This excellent Linux text editor offers you to customize it to do anything you want.
Atom code editor
There are various types of code editors or text editors or HTML editors for several operating systems which are available to make your coding capability easy and quick, while some of them have worked really great across the OS. To create new software in Linux, there are lots of Linux code editor available out there; those can make you an expert Linux code developer.

11. Best Linux Antivirus – Sophos

In the world of computer Operating System, there is always errors and problems especially intentionally made errors which we call trojan, malware, virus. Linux OS is much more efficient and secure OS but still, there are possibilities to have these problems. To decreasing this issues, security specialist has developed Linux antivirus to detect and remove those threats before they harm the system.
In the AV-Test, Sophos is one of the best free antiviruses for Linux. It does not only support on-demand scanning but also provide real-time scanning feature.
Sophos antivirus for Linux

12. Best Educational Software – KDE Edu Suite

An educational expense is always high all over the world. This expense will be more if you want to use educational software on your machine. You may be searching over the net to get the best educational software for the kids or yourself.
KDE Edu suite is not just a software, it is a package of software for different user purpose. Actually, this was started as a free educational package named as KDE educational project which now included lots of software package.
KDE Edu Suite
Installation of KDE Edu Suite:
KDE Edu Suite can be installed on most GNU/Linux distributions, It can be also installed from software center. If not found, you can install the latest KDE Edu Suite on Ubuntu/Mint by typing the following commands in the console:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indi-full kstars-bleeding
If you are a student you may have doubt in mind that Linux rarely provides software which supports educational purposes. Wait a minute ……….. You should correct yourself now as you will see a great list of Best Linux Educational Software.

13. Best Video Editing Software – Open Shot

Video editing on Linux is very easy if you find the best Video Editing Software. There is a lot of open source Video Editing Software available on Linux. You can easily customize or edit any kinds of media files with those Video Editing Software.
Open Shot video editor is an open source Video Editing Software on Ubuntu. It works really well in the other distribution of Linux.
Open Shot Video Editor
Installation on Ubuntu:
Open Shot Video Editor is very easy to install on Various Linux distribution. You can install it from the software center or use this command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openshot.developers/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openshot-qt

14. Best Download Manager – uGet

It’s obvious to have a good download manager for Linux or Ubuntu. Though all the modern browsers have default download manager, it’s not good enough to handle effective downloading system. When the question comes whether a web browser can handle multiple download, pause system, torrent integration or speedy download, then the answer is not satisfactory.
uGet is an open source download manager for Linux which will download your files fast. This download manager can be easily organized and highly configurable. You can control your downloads in one central place.
uGet on Ubuntu
It is very simple to install uGet on Ubuntu. Just follow the instructions below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:plushuang-tw/uget-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uget
A download manager required when you go for downloading big files or multiple files. So as you are a user coming from windows or a newbie Linux user or advanced user.

15. Best Video Players – VLC

VLC Media Player is one of the best and most popular Best Linux Software in the category of video players. It is an open source media player which support almost all media file types on Linux. VLC Media Player support network shares browsing, downloading subtitles, video playlists, pop-up video and etc.
VLC Linux media Player
There are a lot of video players available for Linux. Those video players mainly do the same thing to play a video file. So, you need to find which video player will offer you the additional features of playing any video. Here I will be sharing top 10 free and best Linux video players with the best features that each and every app offers.

16. Best Google Drive Client – overGrive

Google Drive offers an official client for all the major OS except Linux until now. As a Linux user, you have lots of ways and alternatives for using Google Drive. There are many Google Drive Linux Client software available out there that can do the work for you seamlessly.
If you think Insync – Google Drive desktop client is costly, then overGrive can be a good alternative choice. You can enjoy all the features and tools that Insync can offer but just for $4.99 one time payment. overGrive supports all the major Linux desktop environments and distros.
Download overGrive – Free Trial

17. Best Web Browser – Chromium or Google Chrome

Generally, web browsers allow you to visit a wide range of information by accessing the online web. As there is plenty of browsing software available for Linux, definitely it will puzzle you to choose the best one for your Ubuntu system.
chrome vs chromium
Chromium and Google Chrome, Both the web browsers come with malware blocking that ultimately ensures personal information security. Moreover, there are lots of plugins in the chrome store which ultimately let you increase the functionality of the browser in Linux system.
Install Chromium on Ubuntu Linux
sudo apt install -y chromium-browser
Run the following command if you need flash support:
sudo apt install -y pepperflashplugin-nonfree
sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install
Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu Linux
Download Google Chrome
If above link doesn’t work, get the direct link
Direct Download Google Chrome for Ubuntu

18. Best Media Server Software – Kodi

Linux Media Server software can help you to set up a cost and resource effective media server which ultimately let you watch or share or listen all the media files from a remote location on Smartphone or desktop.
XBMC – Kodi Media Center
Kodi is one of the best free and open source media server software available in the market. It offers an intuitive graphical user interface with lots of customization options. Kodi is an all in one entertainment software center which supports all the major OS including Android, Linux, Windows, iOS, and MacOS.
How to Install Kodi on Ubuntu Linux
You can easily install Kodi on Ubuntu and Ubuntu based on other Linux distros by running the following command:
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kodi

19. Best Cloud Storage – OwnCloud

OwnCloud is one of the popular and biggest open source community driven cloud software available in the market. It let you create easy to use a personal cloud server for both home and office use. You can also have full control over your data and who can have access at all.
OwnCloud - Personal Cloud Server
Download OwnCloud

20. Best Email Client – Thunderbird

Thunderbird - Open Source Email Client
Thunderbird – Open Source Email Client
I believe you know about Mozilla foundation and its Firefox browser which is lighting fast and patron of open source software. Thunderbird is an amazing open source and faster Linux email client from the same development house of Firefox. It’s a cross-platform, faster, modern web email technologies for using email services.
Download Mozilla Thunderbird

21. Best Free Office Suite – LibreOffice

LibreOffice is the most favorite and well known best free office suite in the Linux community. LibreOffice is forked of well-known but discontinued office suite Apache OpenOffice. Now LibreOffice is the default free office suite for many Linux environments.
Download LibreOffice

22. Best Password Manager – KeePassXC

Remembering password is always difficult if you have multiple passwords for various site and obviously, it is. So to mitigate this sort of problem, password manager comes into focus. KeePassXC Password Manager is there for the Linux user for quite a long time and it fulfills the need successfully.

KeePassXC - an Open Source Password Manager for Linux
KeePassXC – an Open Source Password Manager for Linux

Final Thought

Do you Like our editorial list of Best Linux Software? If you admire, then please share it with your friends and family on social media. This tutorial will help you to save lots of time for not searching best Linux apps all over the internet. Just bookmark this page and install your desired Linux software in the system.
There are lots of other Best Linux software available in the market. Did I forget to include any Linux apps that you want me to enlist here? Let me know in the comment section and definitely, it will be included in this content.
Note: The features mentioned here are not all-inclusive. The features mentioned are compiled either from their respective official websites or from my personal experience using them.

1 comentario:

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